Tagarchief: painting

Adam Centko


2016-2020 Interactive/Media/Design, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag 


2024 AcentiricSpace, Shanghai (China)
2023 Art to make you travel (groepsexpo), Heden Gallery, Den Haag
2022 Garden of Aether Solo Exhibition, Den Haag
2022 Opovo Artist Colony (groepsexpo), Opovo (Servië)
2022 Aants.World Solo Exhibition – Dry roots die young, Kuala Lumpur (Maleisië)
2021-2022 Out_sight – Ethereum Landscapes – Seoul (Zuid-Korea)
2021 WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET (online screening/interactieve website) 
2021 All my friends are phones and tablets, Rijeka (Kroatië)
2020 Saigon Experimental Film festival, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
2020 Telemagic – 1 euro cinema, Silicon Sights, Rotterdam
2020 Dutch Design Week, Silicon Sights (online)
2020 Silicon Sights Installation, Graduation Festival Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag 
2020 Silicon Sights, Subbacultcha collectibles, Amsterdam
2020 Silicon Sights Installation, IMPAKT Festival Online Channel & video archive, Utrecht
2020 Silicon Sights Installation, 1646 Contemporary Art Gallery, Den Haag

Het begin

“Ik was ongeveer dertien jaar oud toen ik begon met tekenen en zat op de middelbare school. Mijn interesse lag niet bij de gebruikelijke schoolvakken, maar ik liet mijn fantasie de vrije loop in de schriften. Rond mijn vijftiende raakte ik erg geïnteresseerd in videoproductie en begon ik een YouTube-kanaal waar ik video’s van mij en mijn vrienden op de fiets monteerde. Uiteindelijk leidde dit creatieve pad mij naar de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag. Na mijn afstuderen aan Interactive/Media/Design besloot ik mijn creatieve praktijk fulltime voort te zetten.”

De toekomst

“Mijn droom voor de toekomst is het opbouwen van een solide artistieke praktijk waarin ik mijn kijk op de wereld kan delen door middel van 3D-rendering, beeldhouwkunst en bewegende beelden. Ik wil de grenzen van mijn kunst blijven verleggen en nieuwe ideeën en technieken blijven verkennen. Ik wil ook meer evenementen organiseren die de creatieve gemeenschap samenbrengen, waardoor we elkaar inspireren en de verbinding aangaan. De komende jaren zie ik mezelf niet alleen impactvolle kunst maken, maar ook ruimtes creëren waar kunstenaars kunnen ondersteunen en groeien. Door mijn kunst te combineren met gemeenschapsopbouw, hoop ik een levendige en inclusieve creatieve scene te helpen koesteren.”

Wat vind je van de nominatie?

“Ik was echt verrast toen ik hoorde over de nominatie. Als jonge creatieveling vraag je je regelmatig af of je werk enig verschil maakt, dus het is geweldig om op deze manier erkenning te krijgen. Het geeft me het gevoel dat alle late nachten en het harde werken hun vruchten afwerpen. Deze waardering vergroot mijn passie en toewijding alleen maar nog meer, waardoor ik ertoe wordt aangezet kunst te blijven creëren en met de wereld te delen.”

Katarina Head: ‘I’m going to be making forever’

A few weeks after the Piket Art Prizes award ceremony, Katarina Head moved back to the UK, where she has found a place to live and work. She is now exploring the London art scene, looking for opportunities to show her paintings. It’s not easy, but Katarina is undaunted: “I’m going to be making forever.”

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Kamila Sipika: ‘I allow things to evolve in a natural way’

Kamila Sipika has recently returned from a trip to Poland and is busy working towards setting up her new studio in The Hague. She feels grateful to have found a new space where she may create. She is also busy applying for funding that will allow her to pursue her creative goals. “Having to write about my work and formulating an artistic vision is essential as it helps to prioritize and select my ideas and their realizations.”

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Katarina Head: ‘Organic forms come naturally to me.’

Katarina Head, one of this year’s nominees in the Painting category, is busy making work for an upcoming exhibition at artist-run space Trixie on the Scheldestraat. She’ll be sharing the space with two other former Royal Academy of Art (KABK) artists who, like her, are inspired by nature and natural materials. Natural processes, the merging and morphing of natural forms, are a common thread in her work.

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Marieke Peeters: ‘People react to my work in a very extreme way’

Last year, Marieke Peeters won the Piket Art Prize in the Painting category. The jury was impressed with her immersive installations and the way in which she enters a still uncharted territory between visual art and theatre. “People react to my work in a very extreme way,” Marieke says. “I find that fascinating.”

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Winners Piket Art Prizes 2022

The names of the winners of the Piket Art Prizes have been announced. The lucky ones are Marieke Peeters (Painting), Isla Clarke (Dance), and Joep Hendrikx (Dramatic Arts). All three receive an 8,000 Euros cash prize, as well as a unique sculpture designed and created by The Hague artist Kim David Bots. The Piket Jury Prize goes to 1646 Experimental Art Space, a project space for contemporary art located in the Boekhorststraat in The Hague. The Piket Art Prizes are an annual prize for three promising young professional artists in the fields of painting, dance, and dramatic arts.

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Janne Schipper wants to spend her life making art

Janne Schipper, one of the 2022 nominees in the Painting category, commutes between the Netherlands and Denmark. “My partner lives in Odense and I have a studio there, too,” says Janne, who is currently busy preparing for Prospects, a Mondriaan Fund exhibition which will take place in 2023 during Art Rotterdam.

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‘Modernity is about making space for something new’

Daniele Formica, one of this year’s nominees in the Painting category, is on the move. He is not only leaving studio complex De Besturing in redevelopment area the Binckhorst, but will, mid September, also go back to his native Italy to attend a four-month special educational programme at CASTRO Residency, an international study centre located in Rome’s Trastevere area. “But I’ll definitely come back to The Hague for the Piket award ceremony in October.”

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The Piket Art Prizes in times of corona (45): Jonas Raps

Theatre makers, actors, visual artists, and dancers are much affected by government measures to keep the corona virus under control. What is the impact of these measures on the young (former) nominees and winners of the Piket Art Prizes? Part 45: Jonas Raps, 2015 nominee in the Painting category.

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